Thursday, February 19, 2009

The wait is over!
The time has come!

I've been waiting a long time to be able to say this.....

I GOT THE JOB ... That's right ... I GOT THE JOB

(sounds of Hallelujah Chorus can be heard in the background).

This has been a long long process, considering I first heard about this from a friend over two years ago. That's the government for ya...

As of the second week of March I will officially be an employee of the Boulder County Sheriffs Department. I'll be working for a small sub-station in a tiny police department. My office will be in ... get this ... a firehouse (ah shucks huh girls).

As if that isn't enough, it's for more pay and less hours. It's a government job with all the perks and hassles that go along with that. Great bennies, great time off accrual and ... my office is in a firehouse (hehehe).

What more could a girl ask for? (besides winning the lottery so I didn't have to work at all.)

More later...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dear Lord,

Lord please provide me with strength... strength and patience. Please bless me with your presence today in obvious ways. Let me know you are in control and that all will turn out according to your plan. Lord, give me the strength to turn it over to you. Like the song says, "Jesus take the wheel."

In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Amen!